The Obama administration is planning to carry out what Judge Andrew Napolitano slammed as “a major step towards a police state.”
Seeking to expand the already-incredible power of the FBI further, the administration has begun lobbying on behalf what it claims is a minor change to existing law regarding government surveillance. Indeed, according to FBI director James B. Comey, the change is nothing more than the correction of “a typo” in the current law.
But this is not what tech companies and firms, who are the primary party affected by the law, say the government is trying to do. Instead, they warn that the administration is trying to increase the FBI’s power to spy on Americans.
More specifically, opponents of the proposed “fix” claim it will permit the bureau to search “electronic communication transactional networks” without having to obtain a warrant from a judge. That means the FBI will be free to snoop through Americans’ Internet histories and even see how long users spend on certain sites.
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this must not happen for this is an invasion of privacy and is unconstitutional.
It will be the UN that ends up with control of the internet
Get a warrant! We do not want our rights being shuffled like a deck of card’s!
Politicians that are against the constitution should be labeled a terrorist traitor. This is a direct violation of our rights and national security. They shall be charged as traitors to the republic and handed a traitors sentence. No matter who why or what their reason is its illegal!judges should be held to an even higher standard just like all other professionals. They are the ones finning and jailing you over these hanus bogus perverted laws they pull out of the air! The constitution is in plain English we don’t need a Supreme Court to interpret these simple amendments. They have twisted and screwed this country up so bad by changing things to fit them and the bullcrap laws we have now.
As I stated, many will disagree.
First, I’m not a conspiracy theorists. The chance FBI will listen to all of US’ citizens conversations is exceedingly remote.
How many and who would pay the agents wages?
FBI would be so bored, they’d quit. There are way too many serous issues than what my friends and I discuss. Cookie recipes, which music we listen to, or the type of plants we’re planting in the garden this year. lol
I don’t put any thing on Facebook that I would not say to their face.
To start I don’t trust any of these
Sobs with any thing
Any law that would allow that is evidence of a Federal Offense.
Like they allready dont. Lol
they already do it