If you think the FBI is focused only on following up on Al Qaeda cells and other actual threats to American security, it turns out you’re wrong. Recently, agents have revealed a shift in policy as they investigate gun store patrons making so-called “suspicious purchases,” but their list of what is suspicious is truly chilling.
Check out the video report below:
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Did the video get taken down. Unable to view!
The video originates on YouTube Jennifer Moe and seems to be up & working here. Maybe try reloading the page?
I sure miss j Edgar Hoover!
Hmm the only one that is helping out Al Qaeda is our Own President Period your Government is so Corrupt an We The People are letting them get away with it i am sure Our Fore Father are turning over in there Graves they fought long an hard to make it right for Us an look what our Government has done Sold us out just to put Money into there own Pockets an there Friends it is a time for changes an to Remember why our Fore Fathers did what they did for every American not the People trying to wiggle there way in but True Born American and to once an For all to Stop all the Corruption in Washington that has been Brought everyone of us Grief Remember it Say WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA does not mean anything less Time to kick those free loader out of Washington oh they are more Like Porch Monkeys might as well be honest
They are nothing more than a renegade law group !
Its almost time to awaken the giant. WE THE PEOPLE. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
I have live in the U.S.A.all my live and now I am a out law.
A ruse…. A paradigm shift…. matrixesque…. Social engineering
Don’t buy from gun stores!