The FBI’s recent pronouncement that it will not pursue action against Hillary Clinton is even more outrageous when one considers the bureau has confirmed that she lied before congress to cover her tracks.
Last October, the former Secretary of State was asked to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi under oath. Speaking before an audience that included Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Clinton assured those gathered that she had cooperated with repeated requests to turn over “all my work related emails” sent from her private email server to investigators from the State Department. At the time, Clinton’s conduct was touted by her defenders as proof that she was innocent and had nothing to hide.
Yet just this week, FBI Director James Comey disclosed that this was absolutely not the case. Far from turning over all relevant emails, Comey said that the bureau discovered “several thousand” emails, including at least three containing classified information, not turned over by Clinton.
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Not something new for her
Remember Whitewater? 20 years ago James Comey as an attorney on the Senate Whitewater Investigation was looking into the conduct of President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton.The investigation was to determine whether Bill Clinton used his political position as governor of Arkansas (in the 1980s) to push through an illegal loan to benefit Bill and Hillary’s business partner in Whitewater. Several
people involved in Whitewater went to jail, but no criminal prosecution was in the cards for Bill and Hillary. Remember James Comey was the Deputy Special Counsel for the Whitewater investigation….In Christopher Anderson’s book, American Evita: Hillary Clinton’s Rise to Power, Anderson gives details of the New Square offenders pardon by Bill Clinton (who had been convicted of bilking the government of $30 million dollars). Christopher Anderson relates that at Hillary’s urging Bill gave clemency to 16 Puerto Rican terrorists who took the lives of 16 Americans and wounded many others.Anderson tell us that Hillary admired the Marxist Carl Oglesby and Saul Alinsky. It is from her admiration for Saul Alinsky that she formed her belief that “the only way to make a real difference is to acquire power.” The pardon of billionaire Marc Rich (who traded illegally with America’s enemies including Iran) by President Bill Clinton was something that everyone knew reeked of impropriety after learning that Rich’s wife donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library. Again James Comey oversaw investigations of the pardon matters as well. Unbelievably James Comey did not recommend charging the Clinton in any of these matters. Wouldn’t it be fair and balanced to give news coverage to these facts?
Bust her
Makes you wonder about the FBI even more.
I can tel you through experience in American Court that Perjury is ever taken seriously. So many lie on the stand and get away with it, especially political hacks. Look up the VECO case here in Alaska concerning Bill Allen and former speaker of the house Pete Kott . ‘
She will never be indicted because thye got too much dirt on all the justice heads and FBI heads
Title 18, Section 2170, Article 793……GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!!!!… However, allow me to expand on what “your” government said to the American citizen: “Yes, she’ guilty on more than one count, but we aren’t going to do a thing about it because I believe she didn’t mean to be guilty!!”.. CAN NO LONGER BELIEVE, TRUST, DEPEND, NOR RESPECT THIS CRIMINALLY COPRRUPT REGIME!!
I’m with Trump! We’ve got to get the political corruption out of Washington!!! For anyone that will, here is the FBI’s phone number in Washington DC (202) 324-3000 after you dial the recording gives you options one of which is complaint department, but there’s no option for a complaint – so press 1; then you will have to press 1 again to leave a message to report political corruption! Every law abiding American citizen should call and report this injustice under political corruption!!!
Don’t be Ball-less in this country, Stand up and be heard Don’t just LIKE,, Call them Complain,, SHARE, help spread the word
So did Bill does not matter
This is ironic, occurring on the day immediately following America’s 240th birthday.