The FBI’s recent pronouncement that it will not pursue action against Hillary Clinton is even more outrageous when one considers the bureau has confirmed that she lied before congress to cover her tracks.
Last October, the former Secretary of State was asked to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi under oath. Speaking before an audience that included Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Clinton assured those gathered that she had cooperated with repeated requests to turn over “all my work related emails” sent from her private email server to investigators from the State Department. At the time, Clinton’s conduct was touted by her defenders as proof that she was innocent and had nothing to hide.
Yet just this week, FBI Director James Comey disclosed that this was absolutely not the case. Far from turning over all relevant emails, Comey said that the bureau discovered “several thousand” emails, including at least three containing classified information, not turned over by Clinton.
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It’s looking like it …. But that would be playing into the hand of bringing in UN troops. Doubt they would wear those pretty blue helmets here they would be to easy a target.
loretta lynch and James Comey all benefited from being a part of the clinton machine back in the era of the Whitewater investigation… they received money from the Clintons etc and jobs etc…. evil begot evil and its running rampant in Washington….
And? Will anything be done about that?
Similar to BRASIL..
The second banana Repúblic.
Cuba ia a model..
Crying People..
Congress can see this too,so why don’t they do something about it
Disgusting WHORE!
We need to get this corruption out of our government and have the same laws for all citizens!
But she didn’t mean it .