FBI Reveals Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury Before Congress

In spite of admitting that the law enforcement agency he presides over found evidence that Clinton was not being honest when she said that surrendered all of her personal emails, Director Comey insists on not investigating her conduct further. This is a travesty of the highest order, as a simple perusal of the Democratic candidate’s testimony to Congress last October proves that she committed, among other things,  perjury:

“CLINTON: No. They were from a personal friend, not any official government — not any government official. And they were, I determined on the basis of looking at them, what I thought was work related and what wasn’t. And some I didn’t even have time to read, Mr. Chairman.

GOWDY: So are you telling me the 15…

SANCHEZ: Mr. Chairman, regular order.

GOWDY: Are you saying that the 15…

SANCHEZ: Mr. Chairman…

GOWDY: I will tell the gentlelady from California that I’m going to take a little extra time, just like everybody else has, and that we can either do it this round, or we can do it next round.

SANCHEZ: May I make a simple inquiry about how many more minutes the chairman plans?

GOWDY: The fewer the interruptions, the quicker I can get done. I’ll put it to you that way. How’s that?

SANCHEZ: OK, just be mindful of the time.

GOWDY: The 15 — my question to you, on the 15, did your lawyers find them and decide that they were not work related or did they not find them?

CLINTON: Well, I don’t know why he had emails I didn’t. And I don’t know why, apparently, I had emails he didn’t. And all I can tell you is that I turned over every work related email in my possession.”

Source: Breitbart



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