The FBI released crime statistics last year showing that no murders occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 – the Sandy Hook Shooting – despite the media reporting that numerous schoolchildren and faculty were killed that December.
Why would the FBI release such a report? Did nobody in the process of publishing this material take notice that they were reporting no deaths for this event?
See page 2 for more info + FBI report + Videos:
You who believe this are dumbest human beings on earth. How dare you!!!
Where is your respect for the families.
Each and every one of you $#%&!@*ers who deny this out to be taken out and either shot or sterilized for the good of the gene pool.
This is complete nonsense. How can anyone be so insensitive and disrespectful to the loved ones of the dead.
No bodies..not one..list a name of a parent who lost a child or had one ONE..go ahead I’ll wait
Nebla marquez-green. There ya go you dumb f**k
Wow !!! Unbelievable
Jesus, do you $#%&!@*ers even READ? IT SAY’S FALSE you mongoloid inbred mouth breathers.
Duane Lagervall how about all 26?
I already knew that because we were studying about the Government and how are Government has caused so many disturbances in order to bring about new laws concerning our safety and security. Safety and Security is a concern when it comes to our rights of privacy against terrorists when the Government are the terrorists.
You’re stupid