The FBI released crime statistics last year showing that no murders occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 – the Sandy Hook Shooting – despite the media reporting that numerous schoolchildren and faculty were killed that December.
Why would the FBI release such a report? Did nobody in the process of publishing this material take notice that they were reporting no deaths for this event?
See page 2 for more info + FBI report + Videos:
The FBI has since amended the report to match the party line. The “Sandy Hook Shooting” has some really interesting “features”. The solution is an honest all cards face up analysis, not bunkering into “it happened” and “it didn’t happen”.
Because it never happened ! It was a sham to attempt to change the way people think about firearms.
I’m all for gun rights, the fact that yall dumbasses say those babies didn’t die makes me sick
That web site is all conspiracy c**p
well considering they did a ceremony where they were reading off the names, and one girl they said died was there on stage.
Those who believe anything published by the obola administration, must believe Star Wars also.
It did happen, many died. I have no idea why the FBI report reads that way
Cover up again!!!!
Some of you are sleep and confused, big brother is not working for us. More corruption and cover up to blind and control. Wake up!
If you believe that ANYONE died in this event then you are BRAINWASHED.. If you actually look into the event and see there wasn’t ONE WINDOW shot out. There wasn’t ONE dead body shown. There wasn’t ONE family of the “deceased” that got to see their childs body. There wasn’t ONE true parent of a child on our MSM TV stations, they were ALL actors.
If anyone would like to disagree with me please look up the COUNTLESS donations sites that were set up 1-3 days BEFORE the event takes place. ALL people that were part of this event have facebook profiles that go back 2 yrs from the event. The principals twitter account goes back EXACTLY the same. EVERYTHING, ALL EVIDENCE and people can be tracked back two yrs prior to the event then they fall off the map. Just disappear.