The Mojave Desert is home to Edwards Air Force Base and several other military installations, so when reports come in that 17 Middle Eastern men are shooting guns and up all night chanting ‘Allah akbar’ in this remote California landscape, it is unsettling.
Calls came into the the Victory Valley Sheriff’s Station alleging that over one-hundred shots were fired. One police officer, over the police scanner, was heard saying, “They were up all night chanting ‘Allah akbar’-type stuff.”
The local news paper, Victorville Daily Press, interviewed a hiker who was enjoying the Deep Creek Hot Springs when the incident occurred. Read his eyewitness account on the next page.
well gee, since they were so cooperative that the police let them go…wow
California chooses Bernie’s $15 hr. min. wage, passing right by Hillary’s $12 hr. proposal. How embarrassing… to have the biggest, most important state render you obsolete, dictating your next flip flop, while you are still interviewing for the job (campaign). Lotta cities for $15. Why Bernie gets things right in the beginning.
Hillary, “progressive” for 8 months. Bernie, progressive for 50 years… Do you really know the candidates?? Seriously now… maybe why you never hear Bernie saying he “needed to evolve” with “learning moments” yuh think??Bernie has foresight and good judgment in the beginning, when it matters. Hillary blows BEHIND the social / political winds. She then apologizes later to make it all better. She is a centrist with bad judgment. Nothing more. We expect the leader of the free world to have Bernie’s judgment and character.
Hillary voters are political simpletons who like bright / shiny things: “first woman president!! We don’t know or care about her mistakes, other candidates, or about our own lives really. She will be the first woman though!!” You need to start caring.
Hillary mistakes: TPP, Iraq, Libya, Patriot act, Afghanistan, DOMA/Gay rights, Syria, Keystone pipeline, War on drugs, Carbon Tax, No Child left behind, Bank Bailouts, Campaign finance/citizens united (has pacs and superpacs now!), NAFTA (said it was a bad idea), Crime Bill (apologized for ‘superpredator’ gaffe, crack-cocaine sentencing disparity), welfare reform bill (apologized for), Banking reform (wants to make it more expensive for traditional banks to be big, shadow banking reform only), Wall street reform (has nothing here yet, a future flip flop), death penalty (still confused on this one and will come to Bernie’s stance soon), fracking (also still confused, will move to Bernie’s stance), Immigration (voted to kill the bill after backing it initially)….. regarding the TPP, she will again be for it once elected. Why? Corporations wrote and enforce the TPP terms. Corporations write her platform…. Compare. Decide. Vote.
Did any of em chant they want Disney to release Song of the South?
Obama social group celebrating how stupid Americans are…
Send them packing to the middle east or Gitmo!
Deport them back
Do what you ( FBI ) did to that OLD COWBOY ,SHOOT THEM
Target practice.
They need to do MORE THAN INVESTIGATE! They need to put a stop to it.
None were middle Eastern all had legal guns and they were hiking they were not chanting anything get your story Right before posting b******t stories…..