The FBI has issued a very stern warning to our military personnel that ISIS is currently seeking followers in the U.S. who are “willing and capable of conducting attacks against current and former US-based members of the United States military.”
The FBI and DHS are now requesting that military personnel get rid of their social media accounts, which are thought to be the main method by which ISIS will track them.
So now our servicemen will be that much more out of touch with the rest of America.
“The FBI and DHS recommend that current and former members of the military review their online social media accounts for any information that might serve to attract the attention of ISIL [ISIS] and its supporters,” the federal bulletin sent to law enforcement agencies said, advising that troops “routinely exercise operational security in their interactions online.”Officials said they fear copycat attacks based on what happened in Canada last month, when two uniformed Canadian soldiers were killed in two separate incidents by young men who claimed they were ISIS followers.
Some in U.S. special operations and other military branches have told ABC News they deactivated, scrubbed or locked Facebook and other personal social media accounts months ago at the urging of security officers as the U.S. began bombing ISIS in Iraq and Syria last August.
But the government on Sunday night indicated they had obtained fresh intelligence that ISIS wants to recruit or inspire sympathizers inside America to hurt military members where they live.
“The FBI recently received reporting indicating individuals overseas are spotting and assessing like-minded individuals who are willing and capable of conducting attacks against current and former U.S.-based members of the United States military,” the bulletin said.
Attacks such as those in Canada — which apparently were carried out without direct contact between ISIS and the perpetrators — may “embolden” and “motivate” those who support ISIS, the FBI and DHS said.
Today a spokesperson for the Pentagon said the bulletin reinforces information the military been providing troops since the Ottawa shootings.
The spokesperson, Col. Steve Warren, told reporters he wasn’t aware of any new intelligence that might have triggered the bulletin and deferred questions to the FBI and DHS.
“It’s advice to be vigilant. There’s an enemy out there [and] that enemy has made very clear that they seek to make harm to Americans so this advisory was to ensure that you’re taking all appropriate cautions for individual force protection,” Warren said.
The day before the U.S. launched its biggest air blitz against the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria in late September, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called upon Muslims in the U.S. and Europe to attack members of the military.
I don’t know of any military member that is afraid of this happening, I know I’m not. I might be disable but I still know how to aim once a squeeze the trigger and I don’t miss, been hunting since I was six years old, and I sure as hell don’t scare easy. Navy retired.
And the ONLY TWO things we should be doing is removing EVERY MUSLIM and MUSLIM SUPPORTER out of this country and putting them in the counties that ISIS IS MURDERING people in. And getting a large number of our Military BOOTS on the ground and Planes in the air and boats in the sea’s to REMOVE EVERYONE of these MUTTS, TRACK EVERYONE OF THEM DOWN INCUDING ODUMMER AND FAMILY AND REMOVING THEM FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Pile up any of them that get shot and then Drop a bomb on their remains cause they do not deserve a burial or anything of any honor.
Wise descission, and hope u disable every possible connection.
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Jeh Johnson: Legalized Illegals Don’t Need to Comply With Obamacare
By Melanie Hunter December 2, 2014
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( – Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in congressional testimony today that the Affordable Care Act–also known as Obamacare–will not apply to illegal aliens who are allowed to stay and work in the United States as a result of President Obama’s executive action.
“Mr. Secretary, is it true that the illegal immigrants who are granted amnesty will not need to comply with the Affordable Care Act?” Rep. Lou Barlett (R-Pa.) asked Johnson at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration.
“Those who are candidates for and are accepted into the Deferred Action Program will not be eligible for comprehensive health care, ACA,” Johnson responded.
Barletta then asked: “So therefore, an employer may have a decision to make: Do I keep the American worker and provide health insurance or pay a $3,000 fine or do I get rid of the American worker and hire someone who I do not have to provide health insurance, and I won’t get fined. Is that a possibility?”
“I don’t see it that way,” Johnson said.
“You don’t think any employers will see it that way?” Barletta asked.
“I don’t think I see it that way. No. No, sir,” Johnson said.
On Nov. 20, Obama announced that his executive action on immigration would apply to illegal immigrants who have been in the U.S. for more than five years, have children who are U.S. citizens or legal residents, register and pass a criminal background check, and pay their fair share of taxes. They will be able to apply to stay in the country “temporarily without fear of deportation
People never give up your arms this goverment cannot be trusted
come on down to lower alabama, i’d make a good target for isis $#%&!@*s. i,m a retired army vet, and i need the target pratice.
It’s obamas fault , period .
Lock and load military !!
THANKS obama.