FBI director James Comey is either a liar or stupid. His conclusion after the three and a half hour interview of Hillary Clinton by five or six agents, which did not include himself, is that he did not think she was evasive, and so she will walk free from yet another illegal operation. His newly created legal standard, which forgave Clinton since Comey discovered “no intent,” flies in the face of multiple cases of other convicted government workers because Federal law does not even contemplate “intent” when judging the sharing or exposing secret government documents.
Beyond that, to say that the FBI could find no indication that Clinton was untruthful is beyond comprehension since in his announcement Comey outlined a number of ways that she was lying when the story was first exposed and then recast every time the previous tale Clinton told was exposed for…. a lie. Time after time she lied, and then changed her story as new facts came to light. But somehow she has now decided to be completely forthright? Comey is either stupid or lying himself.
There is more here than meets the eye, and Comey’s conclusion smacks of corruption and backroom deals.
No recording of the interview with Clinton, and no transcripts, page 2:
So how do we know if they did the Interview or not
How about reading Miranda rights
Corruption runs deep in our government. Time to clean house.
They didn’t fail to, they blatantly did this in order to give her an out
Fix was in before it started
FBI DIRECTOR COMEY WAS JUST SHOWN TO BE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY CAPITAL HILL SENATOR JASON CHAFFETZ !!!!! Chaffetz just ask Comey is there no consequences for Clinton for turning over 60,000 of here emails that contained state department and personal e mails to at least ten people who had no, NO security clearance to go through to separate and delete. For which he stated “Well they didn’t read them they just read the headers” Comey stated “I think thats what happened in fact, but I don’t know if it was her intent”
Chaffetz ask Comey does it not show intent for Clinton to tell an aid to remove the security label from a paper memo and send it to her on the non secured server as an e mail? And is there no consequences? Comey answered “I don’t believe it was her intent.
Chaffetz just ask Comey “Did Clinton give non cleared people access to classified information? Coemy’s reply was “Yes”….
Chaffetz then ask what do you think her intent was? Comey replied “To get good legal representation. I don’t think she was acting with intent” Where Chaffetz replies to Comey “That if you allow someone with no clearance access to classified documents that that in its self it criminal intent. Everyone one’s that director, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!” Comey had no reply.
Did not do his job he needs to go