Just as George Orwell wrote in his book we have entered a world where we are being continuously watched and observed. It is almost as if we are lab rats and the government is trying to decide who is going to be the odd one. Who is going to be the next terrorist? The issue is that they are targeting everyone and treating our privacy as if it does not matter.
The latest sign of this stealth takeover of civil rights and freedom was epitomized in recent Senate testimony by FBI Director James Comey, who voiced his objections to civilian use of encryption to protect personal data – information the government has no automatic right to obtain.
As reported by The New American, Comey testified that he believes the government’s spy and law enforcement agencies should have unfettered access to everything Americans may store or send in electronic format: On computer hard drives, in so-called i-clouds, in email and in text messaging – for our own safety and protection.
You may think that as a people we have privacy, that your emails and calls are your own and nobody else is reading or listening in. The government has taken away our biggest right in the name of safety. If our secrets and lives are being seen by people we don’t even know than why is it that the government gets to keep their secretes private. To read more about this nightmare of a reality go to The Daily Sheeple.
Photo: Cliff on Flickr
Defund the FBI they no longer uphold the Cons$#%&!@*ution
The FBI is an illegal ins$#%&!@*ution that was created out of desperation and the Stupidity of the People to allow the Government to Grab Power NOT allotted to them to take. Sure there was a need at the time, but does NOT excuse the Over-reach of the Government. The Easier Solution would have been to have the States work together under permitted States Rights and Compromise to have caught the Bank Robbers and Criminals of the days. After all they did have Radios and Phones in the 20s and 30s.
That’s the way North Korea and China have it.
I don’t have anything to hide and if I did the gvt wouldn’t know. It’s called off the grid