Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? Barack Hussein Obama certainly does. He has got to be chortling about his latest move, bringing 100,000 Syrian malcontents to the U.S.
Here is the kicker: the FBI does not have a way to properly vet incoming Syrian refugees. They admitted it at a House Homeland Security committee hearing in February.
So, since we can’t determine if they are terrorists, what will we do? The obvious answer is on the next page:
Good all the way to USA Ha Haaaaaaa
Can’t vet them, they can apply elsewhere and take Obama and his minions with them.
It is now up to Us ti stand and say NO! Saudia arabia can and wont take them, why? Because this is a plan to take over the world
This is exactly what Obama wants!! Where is our military?? They need to relieve him from office!!$#%&!@*ive-exodus-video-oyep/
The majority of the #migrants are men. Makes you wonder why they left their wives, sisters, mothers and daughters behind if they are fleeing war? I think they are just looking for a better life …. the big time …. by flooding rich countries and getting on welfare which is $500/week. Why didn’t all these able bodied men stay and fight? Are they all cowards? Or is the plot more sinister? #ISIS may have come up with a better #military strategy of #InvasionFromWithin. #WakeUpAmerica
They can’t vet Obummer either.
it is time 80 million armed americans take our nation back plain to see our goverment is out of controll p$#%&!@*ed the iran deal, now bringing our enemy here, it will not stop till oboma is removed by what ever means.