The Obama Administration’s fight to expose and eliminate terror abroad may not be a priority for those in the White House, but apparently identifying those who hold anti-government views as terrorists is something they’re more than willing to devote time and resources to.
A new FBI initiative based on Britain’s “anti-terror” mass surveillance program instructs high schools across America to inform on students who express “anti-government” and “anarchist” political beliefs.
“High school students are ideal targets for recruitment by violent extremists seeking support for their radical ideologies, foreign fighter networks, or conducting acts of targeted violence within our borders. High schools must remain vigilant in educating their students about catalysts that drive violent extremism and the potential consequences of embracing extremist belief,” states an unclassified document released in January by the FBI’s Office of Partner Engagement, the agency’s primary liaison for the law enforcement community.
The document claims public school educators “are in a unique position to affect change, impart affirmative messaging, or facilitate intervention activities,” including informing on students. It calls for “observing and assessing concerning behaviors and communications” of students “embracing extremist ideologies.”
In addition to “designated foreign terrorist organizations,” the FBI program targets “domestic violent extremism movements,” including anti-government groups.
It’s funny how afraid the administration is to use the word “terrorist” when describing Muslim extremists who have already taken lives in the name of Islam, but how willing they are to apply that term to Americans who have the audacity to have anti-government opinion. It’s but another example of the ineptitude and hypocrisy flowing throw the veins of the Obama White House.
Source: Info Wars
Gestapo same thing
Vote Trump quick.
Paul Betka no.
Kiss my$#%&!@*oduma .
Our government is full of$#%&!@*fascists. This doesn’t surprise me, they were doing this kind of fascist tyrannical dictatorship stuff in my HS 3y ago. I was being gunned after by school administration for trying to fight it and for my views: political, life, religion, ect. which forced me to switch schools. I was harassed relentlessly, pulled out of class many times to be interrogated, usually by the dictator principle, sometimes by the councilor, on a couple occasions my phone was confiscated for no reason other than it was in my hand when leaving class, it was turned off when I handed it over, I then received it back from the principal later that day ‘On’ with the battery drained and a failed to enter correct passcode message. After that I kept it inside a small lockbox when not in use.
This is the United States of America and not north Korea so if you don’t like King Obama you go to jail what a bunch of b******t, we have a constitutional law to stop this kind of b******t.
Canned goods and ammunition.
I believe that our country already had a Revolution concerning our liberties being infringed upon.
Kill the FBI the CIA the TSA the NSA the IRS the whole entire b******t government and start over
The answer should be a steady stream of bullets headed their way!