The Obama Administration has for years demonized those with anti-government sentiments, but now they’ve gone one step further. They’re calling in the FBI.
The FBI recently put out a call to public high schools across the country to identify and report those with “anarchist” political beliefs in the guise of anti-terror.
It’s almost as if the First Amendment never existed.
Political speech has long been classified as the most important — and most protected — form of speech afforded to U.S. citizens. In the absence of a specific, public threat, denying a person their right to express their views is unconstitutional. Unfortunately, the Obama administration seems to view the Constitution as a mere suggestion for law, one they can ignore without repercussion.
Therefore, their criminalization of anti-government speech is hardly surprising, but hardly ignorable, as well.
See the report on the next page:
Gestapo same thing
Vote Trump quick.
Paul Betka no.
Kiss my$#%&!@*oduma .
Our government is full of$#%&!@*fascists. This doesn’t surprise me, they were doing this kind of fascist tyrannical dictatorship stuff in my HS 3y ago. I was being gunned after by school administration for trying to fight it and for my views: political, life, religion, ect. which forced me to switch schools. I was harassed relentlessly, pulled out of class many times to be interrogated, usually by the dictator principle, sometimes by the councilor, on a couple occasions my phone was confiscated for no reason other than it was in my hand when leaving class, it was turned off when I handed it over, I then received it back from the principal later that day ‘On’ with the battery drained and a failed to enter correct passcode message. After that I kept it inside a small lockbox when not in use.
This is the United States of America and not north Korea so if you don’t like King Obama you go to jail what a bunch of b******t, we have a constitutional law to stop this kind of b******t.
Canned goods and ammunition.
I believe that our country already had a Revolution concerning our liberties being infringed upon.
Kill the FBI the CIA the TSA the NSA the IRS the whole entire b******t government and start over
The answer should be a steady stream of bullets headed their way!