Barack Obama recently invited Black Lives Matter activists to the White House to discuss their “issues” and to congratulate them on being, as Obama stated, “better activists than he was at their age.” You will remember that this is the group that rioted for several days in the city of Ferguson, burned down several local businesses, and attacked anyone, including law enforcement, who attempted to come in and restore order. At least 17 businesses were looted and destroyed, more than a dozen cars burned, including several police cars, and at least 8 police officers were injured, with a monetary loss adding up to more than $26 million, with several of the burned out businesses never to return.
Somehow in the mind of Obama and his complicit justice department, that translates to a little community organizing and activism, hardly worth bothering about because, well, the participants have legitimate grievances, and so the appropriate response is to have them in to the White House to listen to their complaints! What in the world is wrong with our government?
Compare that with rancher rebellion that is taking place out west, where some hard working ranchers are simply trying to make a living against the onslaught of the federal government gobbling up more and more land and making it impossible for the ranchers to graze their cattle. The government planned a special event for the ranchers as well, and it was not a party with President Obama at the White House.
See how ranchers are treated for their protest movement, page 2:
Our Constitution was set up to allow for We The People to be our own Militia to unite and fight against Tyranny Foreign or Domestic. We have both types right now. We all have an obligation to defend our families, our friends and our neighbors. The Title of Liberty states we will fight in “Memory of Our God, Our Religion, Our Freedom , Our Peace our Wives and our Children.”
When do you think it’s time to stand up and fight? After we have totally lost all of our Freedoms? When we and our children are slaves? (Which we are now) Or do we stand by and just Watch Peacefully because that are NOT coming for US yet! Who will be there to defend you when you are in trouble if you are not willing to help your neighbor?
The US Federal Domestic Terrorists Corporation(AKA: US Federal Government) and the American Citizens have forgotten one very important fact about the US Federal Domestic Terrorists Corporation……….The US Federal Domestic Terrorists Corporation is supposed to WORK FOR the American Citizens………not WORK AGAINST the American Citizens!!!!!!
This socialist dictator Obama is taking political prisoners. Violation of our Constitution.
When are they going to arrest the agents that kill the cattle???????
this is a democratic move to grab the ranchers land for personal gain and it must be stopped.
Ppl , make sure to tell the young ppl in your family and friends entering the military to not be brainwashed enough to turn against the American people when they are told to when$#%&!@*hits the fan….so inportant to do so…
Maybe it was because to show their displeasure of the gov. They failed to burn some cars and buildings and cause a lot of destruction ? Just saying !
Obama lawless murderer and$#%&!@*Islamic they all are in the White House!
Why not ..Obama supports terrorist abroad why not at home