The federal government is determined to silence and incarcerate anyone involved in the Oregon wildlife refuge demonstration and the Cliven Bundy ranch standoff, neither of which led to violence or injury caused by the protesters. On the other hand, federal agents shot and killed (murdered) LaVoy Finicum in the Oregon refuge incident, and they are now rounding up and trumping up charges against anyone who dares challenge the royal primacy of the government in western states where the Bureau of Land Management, the Forestry Service, and the feds are gobbling up land at unprecedented rates and forcing ranchers off property used to support family businesses for decades.
It is nothing but a show of raw power and a tip of the hat to powerful and wealthy environmental groups who think that no one should have access to rural, open lands but the Sierra Club and the Forestry Service, citizens and businesses be damned. The latest citizen to be taken into custody is Jerry DeLemus, a member of the New Hampshire Tea Party organization.
See more on DeLemus arrest, page 2:
Why don’t they arrest Blm assholes.
Nazi america. Support “them” or die.
Gestapoism, why aren’t they arresting the black panthers for threats?
The government needs to watch their every step. America is pissed
God Bless
We need a real president right now.
Facebook backers are next !
Notice no one in the USA Congress has done one thing about this or investigated?????????? Why
The only difference is the Native people actually lived and cared for the land! Unlike these men that just showed up to a wildlife refuge (land that has never been owned by a non-native in the history of this country!) In a state the never lived in! Other than that it’s exactly the same!