The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s email scandal were reportedly angered by President Obama’s attempt to defend her on national television. In an interview with “60 Minutes” he claimed that it didn’t pose a national security problem and called it a simple mistake. However, investigators have yet to reach any conclusions on whether Clinton’s emails had in fact posed a national security problem. This is another example of how the law applies to everybody except for the liberal criminal club run by Obama and his puppet masters. The worst part about it is that after seven years of Obama, the people have become desensitized to this kind of corruption and criminal activity, effectively stifling whatever national outrage might have once come from this incident. Fortunately, the president’s comments don’t seem be holding much weight.
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Randy when you put your face as the leader of this country you will be blamed for things . And yes he did invite a Muslim boy to white house that built what resembled to be a bomb. So again what story you got … con . And I’m sure your just as ignorant as him.
That’s because he part of it!
impeach impeach impeach why is congress afraid of this guy
The fix is in nothing will happen to her !!
We would have to say that the president of the United States might be having a nervous breakdown mental illness
Yes he should fred.
For the law dipshit. Randy or constitution . Oh that don’t apply to randy he Muslim
Both belong in jail!