On September 11, 2001 two hijacked passenger jets, piloted by suicidal Muslim terrorists, were flown into the twin towers in New York, killing almost 3,000 people and bringing down the towers.
It was an outrage that no-one could have imagined, promoted and financed by Osama Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi Arabian Muslim cleric who was ultimately thrown out of his country.
He was a virulent hater of America, even after all the training we gave him, who encouraged the suicidal attacks by Islamic jihadi on unsuspecting, innocent citizens of the U.S. He was also a coward who hid from retribution until American forces found and killed him.
With the fear and uncertainty engendered by the attack, President George W. Bush instituted a number of programs and organizations to reassure U.S. citizens and to put into place mechanisms to ensure their safety, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA).
These federal government departments have become expensive, politically correct behemoths that violate citizen rights and suck billions of dollars from the economy, with little to show for their existence except bloated, bureaucratic departments full of union hacks directing autocratic jobs programs.
They have also shown a decided lack of common sense and exhibited overt political correctness so that, for example, the TSA insists on harassing all travelers as if they are absolutely equal in their potential for launching a terrorist attack, and ignoring the reasonable approach to differentiate the types of travelers that might be boarding an airplane that day.
Conflict at the airport, page 2:
If she was Muslim, they’d let her through untouched… :/
@Angel. I agree with you to a point. However, THIS is way over the top!!! She checked her several times, and that was absolutely NOT necessary. THAT is when it becomes molestation. And thumping someone’s defribillator scar is nothing short of assault!!! That “agent” ran her hands over this child’s hips and buttocks several times. If there wasn’t anything there the first time, there isn’t going to be anything there the 2nd and 3rd time!
Can’t follow simple rules then suffer the consequences. The reason for this 15 years ago 4 jets hijacked. Terrorist have been known to use children. Good job TSA. I would have grounded the girl and her father.
15 years ago 4 jets hijacked and so now it’s justified to frisk a small girl over a Capri sun? It’s that type of thinking which is responsible for the loss of freedoms in our country. The TSA has never stopped an attack, they have never stopped a terrorist from boarding, ever. You however are exerting that grounding a father and daughter is justified due to a juice pouch?
It’s almost impossible to stab the damn pouch, how many people could you stab with that little straw?!?
First off don’t lecture me on losing freedoms. I am the most conservative one out there when it comes to losing freedoms. Isis is in this country and has used kids in other countries. A Capri Sun juice box is so easy to empty and put anything into. I failed to mention she was standing in an airport security line on a cell phone flag #2. If people would just follow rules these things would not happen. I stand by my statement. By the way I do have freedom of speech without reproach.
Kris Sutton That’s how frisking is done. It’s either done right or shouldn’t be done at all. There are many accounts of frisking done “half$#%&!@* that allowed suspects into police cars and stations with guns. Children and old ppl are used all over the world as mules or for terrorism. Flying is a privilege that you sign on to abide by the rules and procedures TSA demands when you buy your ticket.
Another federal program gone to. HELL .why half of the. Fed. Gov. Should be shut. Down .fo a start. Then. Shut half of what’s left down THE. Next year.
Oh good Lord if you don’t want to go through TSA screening don’t fly and stay in your liberal safe zone!!!!!!
Tell me then oh freedom loving Ken. Exactly how many times have the TSA actually caught someone? None. It’s security theater and a way to condition the public to accept servitude.