Just when you think things can not get any whackier or dire in the US, cops being killed pumping gas, a nuclear deal with Iran—(where they will inspect themselves) or Crazy Uncle Joe Biden as the next President, comes a video of a group of thugs pulling a fast food worker literally out of the drive through window.
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Meanwhile white woman drowns her kids in the bathtub
Can’t fix “$#%&!@*”
However We can all celebrate the fact that they aren’t “Shooting Up a School, Randomly killing innocent people in a a place of Worship, Gunning down Families in a Movie Theater, or Blowing up Federal Buildings in Oklahoma,,,lmao!!,,,fuxn neanderthals,,,,lol
Well in their defense they didn’t have a predecessor like “KAGAN BULAN” to help them get civilized,,,lol,,”however I am impressed with how far you guys have come,,,considering you didn’t exist prior to the year 700,,,lmao!
Chicken nuggets matter
@[557690971:2048:Loree Wales-Isley]
Neither is good behavior.
That’s what happens when you stick your body out a window.