Barack Obama doesn’t seem to have many fans these days. Despite spending his entire presidency pandering to Islam and the African American community — among many others — he doesn’t seem to have much to show for either.
Take Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, for example. In 2008, Farrakhan was so enthusiastic about Obama that he called the then-candidate “the messiah.” He described his feelings toward Obama as “glowing” and “beautiful” and even claimed that Obama was doing “the work of God.”
Now, eight years later, the story is very different.
This week, Farrakhan blasted the president for ignoring the black community for much of his presidency. As it turns out, constant pandering doesn’t actually accomplish much in the inner-city. While Obama focuses on his legacy, young black men in Chicago are being murdered on the streets at an alarming rate.
See Farrakhan use this point in a forceful condemnation of the president on the next page:
70% were out of state bused in by Soros!!!
A pox upon you
B L T,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BLACK LIFE TERRORESTS????
This is who Obama takes advice from, a POS who calls for death to all white people. Your people are suffering and dying from the hands of your own people, idiot!!!!
That’s why you fools are killing each other
soros is behind these riots–not locals bused in
Farrakhan it is about time you have awaken to the fact that obama doesn’t care about black people in this country UNLESS YOUR MUSLIM…I am so glad that the black community is waking up….obama is the most disgusting president in America’s history and you helped him get elected twice…maybe GOD has show you the real light of what obama is…a traitor to America and black’s
Soros has been pushing these riots to cause major disruption in the US in hopes they can start a racial war so Obama can implement Martial Law. Im sure if he does that what will take place is a civil war.
No they aren’t ! He is a MUSLIM !!!!
Obama could have been a great first black president but he chose not to