Minister Louis Farrakhan, who has led the Nation of Islam since 1977, preaches an anti-white theology and is virulently anti-Semitic, blaming most of the worlds problems on Jews and demanding compensation and acquiescence to his bizarre and quixotic objectives.
He calls for a black state separation, with an independent black nation created in the United States, freedom from taxation, and prohibition of “race mixing.” He also holds that the original race of humans was black, and that whites were created by the evil black scientist Yakub. Whites, according to Farrakhan, are naturally deceitful and murderous. Farrakhan has taught that there are alien spaceships that will return to the earth at the end of times, which he believes is imminent.
Farrakhan has shown himself to be a showman, able to draw crowds and lead the Nation of Islam in spite of his outrageous claims and his wide ranging threats against a variety of organizations, including the far Left Southern Poverty Law Center.
He has now leveled his sites on presidential candidate Donald Trump, and he recently delivered a message via a video on his Facebook page which was both complimentary and inflammatory.
See page 2 for more on Farrakhan:
Farrakhan FU !!!
When did police kill innocent people? Mike brown robbed a store. Dude choked out in new York was selling cigarettes illegally and the others broke the law. And if u do research you will see more whites are killed by police than blacks. And blacks have killed more blacks a day blacks have killed more whites Than any other race. Until u know your true facts don’t say$#%&!@*because no one here today was a slave or a slave owner. And when does the white me who died in the war to stop slavery get a thank you? They won’t because they are,white.
Blames the Jews for the worlds problems, blames the white man for the black races problems bc slavery, but doesn’t mention his ancestors enslaved the Jews in Egypt. #FunnyHowThatWorksHuh?
Why blacks vote Democrat is beyond me… over 40,000,000 black babies have been aborted since 1971… thought blacks were against abortion.. how can you with a clear spirit back dems since this is black genocide, abortion a liberal mantra.
Oh, I’m sorry I forgot.. for all the free stuff promised them.. it has not worked.
Who cares about Farrakahn, or whatever his name is. He means nothing. Trump2016
This has been their plan all a long. Why do you think Obama stands by and let these terrorists do as they please. They want to destroy America in doing so they believe they can then focus on Israel and bring about the end of the world.
Makes sense for a rabid anti-Semite hater like Farrakhan to speak for the Democratic Party. Farrakhan was given the man of the year award by Obama’s former church in 2008. Make no doubt about it, Farrakhan’s views are the same as Hillary Clinton’s.
We been in hell the last 8 years