Minister Louis Farrakhan, who has led the Nation of Islam since 1977, preaches an anti-white theology and is virulently anti-Semitic, blaming most of the worlds problems on Jews and demanding compensation and acquiescence to his bizarre and quixotic objectives.
He calls for a black state separation, with an independent black nation created in the United States, freedom from taxation, and prohibition of “race mixing.” He also holds that the original race of humans was black, and that whites were created by the evil black scientist Yakub. Whites, according to Farrakhan, are naturally deceitful and murderous. Farrakhan has taught that there are alien spaceships that will return to the earth at the end of times, which he believes is imminent.
Farrakhan has shown himself to be a showman, able to draw crowds and lead the Nation of Islam in spite of his outrageous claims and his wide ranging threats against a variety of organizations, including the far Left Southern Poverty Law Center.
He has now leveled his sites on presidential candidate Donald Trump, and he recently delivered a message via a video on his Facebook page which was both complimentary and inflammatory.
See page 2 for more on Farrakhan:
80% of all violent crime in this country is committed by black males aged 15 to 30. That stat is mind boggling
BO smells.
I traveled in Africa. It’s the most racist continent. If you’re a Tutsi, don’t dare walk into a Hutu area…they’ve been slaughtering each other according to tribes for centuries
Farrakhan is a murderer. He was involved in Malcolm X’s death. The man is a racist and straight out$#%&!@*
Mike, one does not have to merely say kill this kill that. It’s the action taken that matters. Anyone with half a brain knows that more people are victimized by members of their own race because that’s who they are in a closer proximity to. More Whites kill more Whites than Blacks kill Whites. But that’s all beside the point. The problem at hand is racism and bigotry. Every time Blacks bring up racism, White counteract with “black on black” crime. Let’s focus on eradicating racism then we will focus on “Black on Black” crime.
And the trump supporters are the ones full of hate? Real classy there Scott Kral…
This man is so full$#%&!@*look at the way dresses still thinks he’s in the 40s looks like old Gay guy big scaredy-cat he preaches all lies there’s only one God and his gods f**e because God don’t preach hate
When black leaders speak up about the bs white people take us through they call it race baiting.
I was hoping that he was gonna say that he was moving out of the Country! Haul$#%&!@*scumbag!
Special kind of stupid