Minister Louis Farrakhan, who has led the Nation of Islam since 1977, preaches an anti-white theology and is virulently anti-Semitic, blaming most of the worlds problems on Jews and demanding compensation and acquiescence to his bizarre and quixotic objectives.
He calls for a black state separation, with an independent black nation created in the United States, freedom from taxation, and prohibition of “race mixing.” He also holds that the original race of humans was black, and that whites were created by the evil black scientist Yakub. Whites, according to Farrakhan, are naturally deceitful and murderous. Farrakhan has taught that there are alien spaceships that will return to the earth at the end of times, which he believes is imminent.
Farrakhan has shown himself to be a showman, able to draw crowds and lead the Nation of Islam in spite of his outrageous claims and his wide ranging threats against a variety of organizations, including the far Left Southern Poverty Law Center.
He has now leveled his sites on presidential candidate Donald Trump, and he recently delivered a message via a video on his Facebook page which was both complimentary and inflammatory.
See page 2 for more on Farrakhan:
Cowards don’t deserve to command our troops.
Trump is dangerous. His violent and ignorant rhetoric have no place in politics
If you plan to vote for Ted Cruz, here’s a few things you should consider. PLEASE educate yourselves on Cruz – and his wife!!
* Heidi Cruz has been employed by Goldman Sachs since 2005. She is currently on leave.
* Heidi Cruz is a member of the leftist council on foreign relations, advocates of world Government and a New World Order.
* Ted Cruz was George Bush’s top policy advisor.
* Ted Cruz was in the federal Trade Commission.
* Ted and Heidi met when they were both Bush staffers.
* Cruz advised on legal affairs and Heidi on economic policy for the bush administration.
* Heidi was director for the Western Hemisphere on the national security council under Condoleeza Rice.
* Heidi served as deputy U.S. Trade Representative to USTR head,
Robert Zoellick, working on China trade policy.
* Ted Cruz’ campaign chairman, Chad Sweet, is a former CIA officer.
He also worked for Goldman Sachs.
* Ted Cruz voted for cloture on TPA, (trans pacific partnership agreement)
fast track trade authority, removing the hurdle of concern for further amendment, and clearing the way for passage!
It didn’t have to be recorded, so nobody knew this.
He voted NOT to require approval of congress before other countries could join, including China.
* Cruz has openly stated that he will NOT use a deportation force, and will continue to use the failed ICE system, where an illegal has to commit a crime first, then be caught.
* Cruz belongs to the radical Christian sect of 7 mountains dominionism.
Wise up, he’s not who you think he is
he has always been establishment, he is bought and paid by the banks. He did not vote to audit the Federal Reserve, he most certainly is establishment. No empty promises from Trump: Heidi Cruz
But “the beans” aren’t what you might have expected.
“Spilling the beans is quite simple when it comes to Heidi Cruz
“She is a Bush operative; she worked for the architect of NAFTA, which has killed millions of jobs in this country; she was a member on the Council on Foreign Relations who — in Sen. Cruz’s own words, called a nest of snakes that seeks to undermine national sovereignty; and she’s been working for Goldman Sachs, the same global bank that Ted Cruz left off of his financial disclosure,” Pierson said.
“Her entire career has been spent working against everything Ted Cruz says that he stands for.”
Fu fu fu fuckakhan
Go trump go 2016
Nick for God’s sake it was a number of the firestation get off it already
Greg n Denisa racism at its finest thanks for showing your true colors
He will send the invaders home
What a racist
Somebody should of been done shot that$#%&!@* Excuse me…
Hang em.