In a July 30 speech delivered at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan called for 10,000 ‘fearless men’ ‘in the midst of a million’, who say “death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.”
Farrakhan appears to be calling for an army 10,000 militants out of every million blacks to suicide themselves in a war against police and white people, ‘the 400-year-old enemy’.
“Death is sweeter than to continue to live and bury our children while white folks give the killer hamburgers,” Farrakhan stated.
Farrakhan is creating a threat to demand something that should make the federal government very happy – the nationalization of local law enforcement.
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Hes a black man who wants it all including blood he needs prison
You first Farrakhan.
This was in last July, if you notice him and the other race baiter have kept a pretty low profile since their enabler obama left office….if this man stands up and says this now hopefully his racist$#%&!@*will be charged with sedition or worse
That’s the only group killing blacks
Yes the minion of satan calling for death and destruction.. rebuke him in Jesus’ name
How is he not in jail? You can’t preach hate and violence.
Say when! We are waiting patiently. As long as your kind are talking there is no danger. It’s when you and yours go silent when we are in danger.
He needs to lead by example.
Hey black boy, GO FK YOURSELF
You fkn muslim$#%&!@* GO have a bacon sandwich