In a July 30 speech delivered at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan called for 10,000 ‘fearless men’ ‘in the midst of a million’, who say “death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.”
Farrakhan appears to be calling for an army 10,000 militants out of every million blacks to suicide themselves in a war against police and white people, ‘the 400-year-old enemy’.
“Death is sweeter than to continue to live and bury our children while white folks give the killer hamburgers,” Farrakhan stated.
Farrakhan is creating a threat to demand something that should make the federal government very happy – the nationalization of local law enforcement.
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This guy is as bad as obama
And these Black Terrorists say that our monuments are Tools of Terror? Seems like the blacks are more terrorists than the Muslims are
Can it be shouted out any plainer what the Islamic agenda is? And how dangerous it is? And how we need to protect ourselves not just from the terrorists, but from the liberal idiots who would knowingly or unknowingly let them into our country and neighborhoods.
You lead.
He needs to move out of the country!
Never offering a solution, only more absurd demands.
Read and heed! Shariah Law vs. the Constitution!!
Article VI: The Constitution is the supreme law of the land
Constitution: Article VI: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby”
Shariah: “The source of legal rulings for all acts of those who are morally responsible is Allah.” (a1.1, Umdat al-salik or The Reliance of the Traveller, commonly accepted work of Shariah jurisprudence); “There is only one law which ought to be followed, and that is the Sharia.” (Seyed Qutb); “Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam regardless of the country or the nation which rules it. The purpose of Islam is to set up a State on the basis of its own ideology and program.” (Seyed Abul A’ala Maududi)
First Amendment: Freedom of religion
Constitution: First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ”
Shariah: “Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take hold of them and kill them wherever you find them.” Quran 4:89 ; “Whoever changed his [Islamic] religion, then kill him” Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:57. In historic and modern Shariah states, Shariah law enforces dhimmi status (second-class citizen, apartheid-type laws) on nonMuslims, prohibiting them from observing their religious practices publicly, building or repairing churches, raising their voices during prayer or ringing church bells; if dhimmi laws are violated in the Shariah State, penalties are those used for prisoners of war: death, slavery, release or ransom.(o9.14, o11.0-o11.11, Umdat al-salik).
First Amendment: Freedom of speech
Constitution: First Amendment: Congress shall not abridge “the freedom of speech.”
Shariah: Speech defaming Islam or Muhammad is considered “blasphemy” and is punishable by death or imprisonment.
First Amendment: Freedom to dissent
Constitution: First Amendment: “Congress cannot take away the right of the people “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Shariah: Non-Muslims are not to harbor any hostility toward the Islamic state or give comfort to those who disagree with Islamic government.
Second Amendment: Right to self-defense
Constitution: Second Amendment: “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Shariah: Under historic and modern dhimmi laws, non-Muslims cannot possess swords, firearms or weapons of any kind.
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Amendments: Right to due process and fair trial
Constitution: Fifth Amendment: “no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime… without due process of law.” Sixth Amendment: guarantees a “public trial by an impartial jury.” Seventh Amendment: “the right of trial by jury shall be preserved.”
Shariah: Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari: Muhammad said, “No Muslim should be killed for killing a Kafir (infidel).” Non-Muslims are prohibited from testifying against Muslims. A woman’s testimony is equal to half of a man’s.
Eighth Amendment: No cruel and unusual punishment
Constitution: Eighth Amendment: “nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
Shariah: Under Shariah punishments are barbaric: “Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or female, as punishment for what they have done – a deterrent from Allah.” Quran 5:38; A raped woman is punished:”The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication – flog each of them with a hundred stripes” (Sura 24:2).
Fourteenth Amendment: Right to equal protection and due process
Constitution: Fourteenth Amendment: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. “
Shariah: Under dhimmi laws enforced in modern Shariah states, Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims before the law. Under Shariah law, women, girls, apostates, homosexuals and “blasphemers” are all denied equality under the law.
Bring on your 10,000. We have millions who will help them on their way to their virgins.
Any black Muslim is supporting slavery, child molesting, wife beating the list goes on. If you are black and want to preach Islam, cut your genitals off and start preaching. Muslims cut the genitals off of black slaves that they keep around their women. If you are a black Muslim, YOU support this!!