In a July 30 speech delivered at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan called for 10,000 ‘fearless men’ ‘in the midst of a million’, who say “death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.”
Farrakhan appears to be calling for an army 10,000 militants out of every million blacks to suicide themselves in a war against police and white people, ‘the 400-year-old enemy’.
“Death is sweeter than to continue to live and bury our children while white folks give the killer hamburgers,” Farrakhan stated.
Farrakhan is creating a threat to demand something that should make the federal government very happy – the nationalization of local law enforcement.
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You know stupid is stupid does
Just remember this!!!
Not one True Good Americans has yet to take to the street!
When they do, there will be no place to run, hide, cry, beg or pray it away… All will pay the piper. An American Reckoning is near and when that cat is out of the bag America will not be America again. You spoil Liberal degenerates will learn the true meaning of American freedom and what it feels like to live in a third world country.
Liberalism and Progressivism is True evil that smiles at you like a poisonous snake.
They are cowards that lay down and open their legs to all criminals and Islamist.
Not on our watch.
True American’s don’t do Liberal PC, BS or dribble!
Lol… Just remember, As a Liberal or Progressive you have Zero credibility. Thats why You Liberal and Progressive Degenerates have been stripped of making any more decisions outside of your homes. How does it feel to be irrelevant and part of a sick worthless group of degenerates that no matter what comes out of your trap it has no Value??
You can hide behind our laws just for so long. Real Americans will eliminate the ability for you criminals to hide. Keep up the push… The sooner it collapses the sooner we can get to cleaning up the country.
Gonna need alot more than that
You better start shooting the gang members that are killing other gang members because most of them are black.
Minister Farrakhan,
You would be a great help to your race if you were to go to the nearest pawn shop. Buy a very long knife or sword. Put the sharp in up to your chest… And purposefully fall.
TERRORIST facilitating$#%&!@*
And these lying blacklivesmatter terrorists support the dem kkk party that hung thier ancestors from trees so bullchit to thier blacklivesmatter.
Wake up London, we all make mistakes, time to get rid of yours.
We got rid of ours, it’s not easy but it has to be done if we want our freedom.
Shoot this worthless shithead and his muslim followers
Well, there are MORE black against black crime sooooooooo.