Louis Farrakan, the leader of the “Nation of Islam”, has taken to the road to speak at various churches and auditoriums for the tenth anniversary of the “Million Man March”.
Farrakan is using his pulpit to incite race wars, and making anti-semitic statements, calling the Jews “the chosen Satan” at an August 25th stop in Detroit.
This man is directly calling for the killing of all white people…yet, he is not arrested as a ‘domestic terrorist’….I guess that label was intended for people not of his ilk.
See next page for more Farrakan hate speech:
Start in your home town of Chicago
A monkey has more brains than you
Isn’t he a member of the congressional black caucus?
Are you making threats
I’m game if your game if you game Fuckwad.
Greatest piece of trash that ever walked the earth.. maybe you should crawl back to your hole.
My Niggah he said to kill those who kill us is that why you all are killing each other
Sounds racist to me. But within places like Chicago, the blacks will continue killing the blacks, where’s the logic in Farrakan’s reasoning?
Obama’s buddy.