You can be rather sure that you are winning an argument when your opponent just breaks into a string of profanity. Unable to attack the argument anymore, he or she resorts to attacking the messenger, or just babbling vulgarities. In any event it is no way for an alleged professional journalist to behave.
So, that is exactly what we have on CNN. The network’s obvious preference for president lost, and as President Trump succeeds in establishing administration and pursuing his agenda, the network is losing its moorings. Or at least some of its employees are.
More on page two.
Words out of the horses ass
nobody watches you so just go back to your sandbox and do us a favor stay there this time
If you don’t like it here just look around and fine someplace you like better and go there!!!
Shame on him!
Fareed Zakaria is one of few good Muslims and I hope stay that way not to be influenced by sharia law and stay good American who loves USA
Give him a ham sammich ant ask him who gives a s**t
You the words right out of my mouth
CNN = Communist News Network.
Why is this$#%&!@*on tv…?
that must mean Trump is doing great