The gun industry came under fire for the crimes of Aurora CO. shooter James Holmes, but things didn’t turn out very well for those taking the shots. The parents of Aurora shooting victim Jessica Ghawi have sued Lucky Gunner and other gun and ammo retailers, hoping to change company policies that allow the selling of guns and ammo on the Internet.
While Lonnie and Sandy Phillips aren’t in the lawsuit for the money, what they’re hoping to accomplish could cripple an industry and has already been met with heavy resistance.
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so he didn’t buy one round at walmart or any other retailer? looks like targeting to me you go lucky gunner!
yeah i agree i don’t see them suing his parents for doing a bad job.
You do you think is backing them? This has bloomberg written all over it.
DUI driving kills some one happens all the time you sue the car manufacturer the person who was driving the bartender the alcohol the gas station dumb$#%&!@*liberals
Good. They were not responsible.
The parents are rotten. They put a price tag on their child. If someone kills a member of my family in an auto accident then by their logic and the judges, I can go after the auto maker
What supeise? Their sons a murderer. He is a terrible person. He deserves worse than what the justice system can do. It’s OK God will handle this guy. No lawsuits for that.
This crazy druggie needed to be in a psych ward!
The manufacturer of orange hair dye?
The Families of these mentally ill people should be charged as excessarys. They should have reported them long ago.