The gun industry came under fire for the crimes of Aurora CO. shooter James Holmes, but things didn’t turn out very well for those taking the shots. The parents of Aurora shooting victim Jessica Ghawi have sued Lucky Gunner and other gun and ammo retailers, hoping to change company policies that allow the selling of guns and ammo on the Internet.
While Lonnie and Sandy Phillips aren’t in the lawsuit for the money, what they’re hoping to accomplish could cripple an industry and has already been met with heavy resistance.
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What this says about access to civil or criminal justice in our country is appalling. While agree with the decisions and even the liability for costs. I do not agree with the punitive costs of seeking a legal remedy or resolution. Those that cannot afford the cost of a modest home as what the judgement was here, have no chance of going to court without absolute ruin.
Her parents are fucking stupid, sorry for their loss but God has a plan for everybody deal with it,
Really sad how some try to get rich from a tradegey
You cannot stop all tragedy, fully punish the guilty when caught. If we want to remain a free society, we cannot be a hundred percent safe, freedom by definition implies a certain amount of risk is to be tolerated, even used against us from time to time. The cost of freedom is high, but so are the rewards.
I guess this goes to prove that some people have lost their active brain cells during their last bowel movement.
I am soooooo sick of sick of these lies….the gun CAN NOT FIRE ON ITS OWN, IT NEEDS A IDIOT TO PULL THE TRIGGER, PERIOD. Are the democrats all really that stupid or do they have something else on there evil agenda? Like a take over, remember people the 3 layers of Islam…….
The judge made a fair ruling. Those parents knew this could happen and now they don’t like the outcome. Sorry. It was a trade that their child died by the hands of a mad man bent on killing.
Well well well, after all this time,and out of over 23 replies I’ve gotten only one “-OHHH WAHH” response,,,, does that perhaps suggest something ?????? So who’s closed minded & small now, may I ask ????????
Enjoy your cage.