The gun industry came under fire for the crimes of Aurora CO. shooter James Holmes, but things didn’t turn out very well for those taking the shots. The parents of Aurora shooting victim Jessica Ghawi have sued Lucky Gunner and other gun and ammo retailers, hoping to change company policies that allow the selling of guns and ammo on the Internet.
While Lonnie and Sandy Phillips aren’t in the lawsuit for the money, what they’re hoping to accomplish could cripple an industry and has already been met with heavy resistance.
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Procreation isn’t solely responsible for a basket case. That’s Small minded
That’s like trying to sue automakers, alcohol breweries, knife makers, and tool manufacturers when someone gets murdered.
Didn’t he drive a car to the scene? Hit them too.
The only ones that should be sued are the parents of the perpetrator for not using protection when he was concieved.
Well then, I’m suing Dunkin donuts, cause they made me fat…..
Obama loves Basket Cases, It futhers this socialist agenda!
Kill this$#%&!@*already!
They don’t sue car companies for drunk drivers that kill people get a grip people
Well, they already did it with tobacco companies and I warned then. If you remember, right after they went for candy, soda and chips.
Companies being held liable for conducting legal business is dangerous.
The family should kill themselves for producing and raising a psychopath.