The gun industry came under fire for the crimes of Aurora CO. shooter James Holmes, but things didn’t turn out very well for those taking the shots. The parents of Aurora shooting victim Jessica Ghawi have sued Lucky Gunner and other gun and ammo retailers, hoping to change company policies that allow the selling of guns and ammo on the Internet.
While Lonnie and Sandy Phillips aren’t in the lawsuit for the money, what they’re hoping to accomplish could cripple an industry and has already been met with heavy resistance.
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That boy walked in on his 2 Daddies and went Fucking Nuts!..When he heard his biological Pappy Screaming like a He$#%&!@*
Lawyers are in it to make money.
When you buy as gun on line . you have to have it sent to a license gun dealer . it will never be sent to your home. When you go to pick it up . you still have to go through the basic background check. This false narratives about just getting guns through the mail has to stop .
Wow the more of these articles I read an glance through the comments the more I realize that I started my day with a bunch of dumb$#%&!@*liberal bull$#%&!@*!! Oh yeah the shooter is a liberal as well. Go figure.
Didn’t he want to be like the Joker? Have they sued DC comics? The estate of Bob Kane? Adam West and Burt Ward? Jack Nicholson? Caesar Romero’s family?
What no one seems to understand is if this man don’t get his hands on guns he would have used explosives like at his apt.
If someone wants to kill you they will find a way and damn the laws
Again it is not the gun’s fault , it is the person that used it. Here is a Hypothetical If I were to go into a crowded room with a knife and kill a good number of them then would you blame the company that made the knife………Hell NO , put the blame where it belongs , on the Crazy SOB that did the Heinous crime. Stay Safe and God Bless.
the weapon is not the problem …!!!!! it’s this whack job who was the “trigger puller”…!!!!!!
why not civilly sue him…??? could it be he has no money ????
good for the who exercised some common sense..!!!!
What do they call a person who sues another person, A sewer