Not only is Gildersleeve’s family going after the concealed carry owner for killing their beloved Reginald, but they’re also criticizing the way most concealed carry owners handle their weapons, claiming that firing a gun at a shooting range isn’t the same as shooting a person.
Well, yeah. The point of having a concealed carry permit isn’t to shoot somebody. It’s to protect yourself in case you’re put in a situation where you need to use it. It makes you wonder what kind of tune the family would be singing had Reginald actually shot somebody. Then there’s The Washington Post, who are trying to spin a different story.
The family’s argument is being pushed along by The Washington Post, where writer Michael Miller says the shooting is “raising questions.” Miller wrote up Gildersleeve’s death Monday morning in a manner that seems intended to frame Gildersleeve in the best possible light. Miller, for instance, describes the shooting as “mysterious” because it “occurred on Halloween and involved a man in a mask with a fake gun,” although robberies with fake guns happen all the time.
Miller then says the robbery was all one big misunderstanding, because Gildersleeve was reportedly a former employee of Agencia Mexicana and knew the owner.
“Was the shooting a Halloween prank gone horribly wrong?” he asks.
Miller’s article also opens with a 2011 picture taken from Gildersleeve’s Facebook, showing him standing with his wife and holding a Bible. He describes Gildersleeve trying to “turn his life around,” based mostly on his marriage and his posting of family photos and inspirational quotes on Facebook.
If it was a Halloween prank gone wrong and it turned out that Gildersleeve was actually a friend of the bodega owner, wouldn’t the owner have come forward and said it? Miller’s article goes on to say that Gildersleeve was gunned down by a concealed weapon toting customer. It’s typical of a liberal media outlet to phrase things in a manner that makes criminals look like good guys.
Brake down faster for fertilizer. ..
Could there be a difference in stopping an armed robbery and putting some finishing shots into someone for self-gratification?
Stupidity is running rampant in America.
I have always advised people I know who keep or carry a firearm, if you ever have to fire the weapon to defend yourself, keep firing until the individual is no longer a threat (ie. down, not moving, retreated out of threat range) or until the weapon is empty. If using the weapon does not result in the former, he latter will prevent the threat from taking your loaded gun and turning it on you.
I an so sick of the bad guy and their idiot families having any say!! The family should be saying they are sorry for the piece of c**p they fostered. He got what he deserved!!
Of course, who else but the THUG’S family.
How much is too much ? Just making sure an idiot judge would let him free. Saved a lot of trial monies