“Donald Trump did something in two minutes that has taken me seven years to try to do“, said Jamal Shaw Sr. Shaw’s son Jamal Jr., was murdered three houses away from home, while walking home from the mall. “Trump gave me the hope to believe [and he made this issue] come out in the forefront, even before Kate Steinle was murdered.” Shaw is an activist for families that lose loved ones to illegal aliens.
Others like Jamal Shaw Sr, have recently converged on Washington DC., to stand together and make the message clear to Congress and Obama, that their loved ones died by the hand of a person who had no business being in this country.
One of the stories, is the killing of Dominic Durden. His mother, legal German immigrant Sabina Durden, told the story of her only son being murdered, and the illegal alien who only received a sentence of 35 days.
see how our courts enable illegals next page
Welcome to abanana nation
Well with obama still in office and by the G O P putting paul ryan in as speaker of house it is going to get alot worse because he is on obama side and will not repersent the people
We need to stop these criminals
Put a bonuy onhis head let someone take him out
Americans had better start cleaning their streets…
the way they let them get away with bad behavior is terrible.
The whole world is laughing at the USA
we will lift you up in prayer
Oscar Pistorious only served a year for murder and no one seemed to care.
God bless you all.