“Trump is the only expert in jobs,” states Mr. Steven Hoffenberg, CEO of the Trump Super Pack called ‘Get Our Jobs Back Inc’. The faith-based organization, that runs an online newspaper, promised to raise $1 billion to support the Trump campaign.
Hoffenberg explained that the voters don’t need the television experts to give them their opinions as they realize right now all that matters is making money and needing work to do so.
Small businesses, according to Hoffenberg, need loans to grow and expand. These companies he says are the foundation of the US economy and he believes Trump is the only one who can get the job done. Because of Trump’s record in business, Hoffenberg is willing to hedge his bets and raise money to support Trump’s candidacy, as he truly believes Trump is the only one who can save the US.
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Trump doesn’t need the Super PAC’s money!
Also, where does all their money come from, other people?
What? Trump is a business man, and this is business, he will not turn down money !
Obama’s least favorite days are AMERICAN Holidays. He got through the wreath laying at the tomb of the unknown soldier, because that could be a black man or even a Muslim brother buried there.I watched the Memorial Day concert on TV with patriots like Gary Sinise an Joe Mantegna. It was sad for me because I see my America fading away under the weight of unfettered immigration, the open door policy for Islamic terrorists and un vetted refugees carrying diseases that could kill our children. But possibly the worst threat from within, the LIBERAL Democrats whose assault on the moral values that made America great, is destroying this country. The open door policy for bathrooms and locker rooms is just the beginning of the decadent, godless society that the progressive socialist’s envision as the new multi cultural America. Last night I watched the few remaining WW11 vets on the stage and I wondered how their hearts must be broken by Obama’s latest apology tour to Japan, and the Vietnam vets in the audience, and I just sat and cried for the loss of my country. God, I beg you please don’ let this happen.
He’s self made. The second he takes money is the second he owes and because that which sepperates him from the other candidates.
You’re an Anti American dumbass!!!!
Because it’s the parents responsibility lol it sucks but maybe have kids when you can feed them. With the amount of people on welfare zero reason any kid goes hungry
That black traitor in the whithouse will fill those jobs with his illegal Army he’s bringing in here!!! Hey Michael, faith based organizations do a lot more than you do or know about for taking care of those you act like you care for!!! They really do care, you dont, you just want to$#%&!@*about faith based people!!!! Back off ok???? Thanks, and God Bless!!!!
And the Trump train rolls……………….
It must be true if it comes from the DN. Nice try though.