“Trump is the only expert in jobs,” states Mr. Steven Hoffenberg, CEO of the Trump Super Pack called ‘Get Our Jobs Back Inc’. The faith-based organization, that runs an online newspaper, promised to raise $1 billion to support the Trump campaign.
Hoffenberg explained that the voters don’t need the television experts to give them their opinions as they realize right now all that matters is making money and needing work to do so.
Small businesses, according to Hoffenberg, need loans to grow and expand. These companies he says are the foundation of the US economy and he believes Trump is the only one who can get the job done. Because of Trump’s record in business, Hoffenberg is willing to hedge his bets and raise money to support Trump’s candidacy, as he truly believes Trump is the only one who can save the US.
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We do need someone that knows how to talk business,dun bama has no idea.
Rocky Craver you are correct. Everyone falls on hard times in their lives, but to live in poverty and bring more children into is is crazy.
Nora could live on one hot meal a week? What if you were well off, had children, then fell on hard times. Don’t worry no one is coming for your money. You really shouldn’t be so heartless though. The dollar is destined to collapse, it will be worse than the great depression. Speaking of which, there were well off families that hit rock bottom when the depression hit.