Hillary Clinton has once already proved herself an incompetent campaigner in 2008, and her stint as Secretary of State has done little to quell Democrat’s fears that she could lose the primary all over again in 2016. In order to remedy this, she’s managed to get some help from powerful friends in the media and party establishment.
On Saturday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) swept Democrat caucuses in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii. The scale of his victories in each state is a story in itself. He won 70 percent of the vote in Washington and Hawaii and a staggering 80 percent in Alaska. The victories underscore how close the race for the Democrat nomination actually is.
Currently, Hillary Clinton has just over 1,700 delegates in her quest for the Democrat nomination, while Bernie Sanders has just over 1,000. He will likely pick up additional delegates after Saturday’s final results are tabulated, but, on the surface, he still looks to be trailing Clinton by a wide margin.
Much of Clinton’s margin over Sanders, however, is built on support from “superdelegates,” a class of delegates unique to the Democrat party. Superdelegates aren’t bound to any candidate until they cast their vote at the Democrat National Convention. Legally, they can switch their support at any time.
Setting aside the pledges of the superdelegates, the margin between Clinton and Sanders is much more narrow. Clinton has just over 1,200 delegates awarded through primary and caucus voting, while Sanders has over 1,000. There are still around 2,000 delegates available through the remaining primaries.
One of the more disengenuous actions of the media in this primary season has been to count “superdelegates” in Clinton’s tally of delegates. The media didn’t do this in 2008, when she also had a huge lead in the number of superdelegates who were pledged to her before the DNC convention.
Poor Hillary can’t seem to do anything without someone else help. She wouldn’t be relevant without her husband, and she wouldn’t be winning without her powerful connections in the media and within her own party. It seems the Democrat party is going to force the failed politician on their party whether they like it or not.
Source: Brietbart
Gerald Giovanangelo yes sir. RACIST is all they can say all day every day. Misogynist once in a while but mostly racist
She should use her ownoney like Trump oh wait she is broke
Donor we do,notvwant Paul ryan our choice is do adtru”amen!
Bull s**t
She always was a liar, and she lied about lying!
She is totally incompetent to run this country
The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents – men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest – stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved. http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quotes_by/lysander+spooner