Trey Gowdy is an amazing speaker and a patriot. If you have any doubt, you need to watch the video below!
His fiery speech came as the House voted on Wednesday for a bill that would expedite congressional lawsuits against the chief executive for failure to enforce federal laws. Congress voted on the bill despite Obama’s threat – ironically – to veto the bill.
The vote was 233-181 in the Republican-led House as GOP lawmakers excoriated Obama for multiple changes to his 4-year-old health care law, steps he’s taken to allow young immigrants to remain in the United States and the administration’s resistance to defend the federal law banning gay marriage.
“We all swore an allegiance to the same document that the president swears allegiance to, to faithfully execute the law,” Gowdy continued. “If a president does not faithfully execute the law… what are our remedies?”
He then argued that Congress should do exactly what then-Sen. Obama suggested before he was president of the United States: “To go to the Supreme Court and have the Supreme Court say once and for all: ‘We don’t pass suggestions in this body. … We don’t pass ideas — we pass laws. And we expect them to be faithfully executed.”
Source: TheBlaze
speaker of the House.
go trey !!!!!
Trey president 2016!!!
I pray to follow God and the path God shows to all.
The USA Constitution was written by people who had lived with Kings & Lords, thus having the knowledge of what & how a “protective” USA Constitution should contain.
Having been instituted in 1776, the USA Constitution still protects us USA “FREE” citizens.
BUT if George Soros with his $$$Trillons is left alone, & the millions of puppets Soros owns can continue to erode the USA Constitution, the remaining millions of “passive & uninvolved” USA citizens will wind up in the internment camps awaiting execution or slave labor!!!
Puppet Obamacare has destroyed my middle class “earned” pension medical benefits!!! But this is just the TIP. Of the “iceberg” plan that puppet master George Soros has for the USA people!!! Every one prepare for the upcoming destruction of America!!! There is tons of information available explaining the USA destruction to be done by George Soros & the puppet Obama administration; coupled with the Democrat Congress, which Soros also owns.
When the masses of USA citizens have finally been slaughtered or enslaved, the puppets & Soros will OWN the continental USA!!!
Puppet Obama does well with his master George Soros writing has speeches for the tele-prompter. We who see the truth, have pity For the fools who believe puppet Obama is working for the citizens of the USA! We who see the truth know that those fools will be on the same buses with us on the way to the DEATH camps Soros is building to exterminate the masses of our USA
Trey Gowdy for President!!!!!
`I noticed how Trey Gowdy acts like our Congressman Greg Harper
Ask God to remove obama cleanly, quickly and soon.
Awesome work by this US Congressman.. We NEED more people like THAT, in the US Congress!!
This man should be speaker of the house,,, heads would roll
ONLINE PROTEST: The Obama administration has made March 31st as their deadline to sign up millions of unsuspecting Americans for their disaster, Obamacare. Let’s send a message that we will not enroll…we will not comply!
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Finally someone stands up and does his job !!