Imagine the global nightmare of a volcanic eruption 1,000 times greater than Mt. Helens turning the North American continent into an endless winter. Yes, eternal cold and snow are what global warming is all about…just ask the “Experts.” The ginormous volcano eruption would cover a thousand square miles around Yellowstone National Park with a foot-deep layer of molten ash. A haze would drop over the United States, causing temperatures to plummet.
Those cheerful experts from the local university or the U.S. Geological Survey, who always remain anonymous, are again attempting to justify their continued existence in the media by issuing their tired tirade of Eternal Nuclear Winter via the eruption of the supervolcano lurking under Yellowstone National Park.
Read more about Doomsday on the next page.
I looked at a lot of these comments and the problem I see with them is they are made by the uninformed. What people should consider is can you survive it and what should you do to survive it just in case. The dust from this event if it was to happen will cover more than half the US. This dust will kill you because of what it is made off. When you breath it in and it comes in contact with the moisture in your lungs it will turn into a substance like concrete. What to do I don’t know but just something to look at just in case.
Maybe that volcano just needs a hug
Bushes fault
It’s is a known fact that Yellowstone is a giant volcano.They do erupt sometimes I hope it don’t happen but I’m sure one day it will.
The sky is falling.
I wish it would just happen…..survival of the fittest….and we’ve been needing a new purge for 40 Years or so
Yah I would worry more what Fukishima did than any super volcano.
Lololololololo, maybe tomorrow maybe 75,000 years???? Lololol
Worry about asteroids first! We maybe able to address asteroids, nothing to do about Yellowstone besides it’s interesting!
If it does the whole planet earth will go in to a super ice age and no one will live
Bend over and kiss is good-bye. If this happens, most everyone is done. So don’t worry.