Imagine the global nightmare of a volcanic eruption 1,000 times greater than Mt. Helens turning the North American continent into an endless winter. Yes, eternal cold and snow are what global warming is all about…just ask the “Experts.” The ginormous volcano eruption would cover a thousand square miles around Yellowstone National Park with a foot-deep layer of molten ash. A haze would drop over the United States, causing temperatures to plummet.
Those cheerful experts from the local university or the U.S. Geological Survey, who always remain anonymous, are again attempting to justify their continued existence in the media by issuing their tired tirade of Eternal Nuclear Winter via the eruption of the supervolcano lurking under Yellowstone National Park.
Read more about Doomsday on the next page.
It’s not f**e, the volcano is that big it’s just that no one knows when it will erupt. It could be tomorrow it could be a million years from now. But eventually it will erupt.
I bet it’s bushes fault.
What can you do???
Where are the protesters????
Well then….. they better start spending a$#%&!@*ton of money on useless research for something they can’t do a damn thing about.
It will blow
Don’t wake me til the cannibalism starts.
do you have to try very hard to be this dnumb or is it effortless?
Whatya gonna do about it? I know, tax, tax, tax! The demonrats answer .
Thanks trump