Scientists are scratching their heads regarding this conundrum. Antarctic sea ice is at record high levels and the scientists cannot explain the incongruity of expanding ice in a ‘warming world.’
What makes it more mystifying is that the water under the ice is warming, but the ice has grown to 19.51 million square kilometers.
A recent Climate Journal study attempts to explain on page two.
Well, no doubt the Sun is cooling. It is predicted (not in our lifetime) that the Sun as we know it, will burn out.
all global warming fault
Welp…! I see Global Colding….. Happening soon.
It’s a real deal that needs addressed in a real way but instead it turned into a for profit for power scam
It’s that darn global warming – horrible 😉
It’s called the Weather. Nothing more, nothing less.
It’s called Global evaluation !!!
“Climate change” is a fraud.
Too bad, though, as the upward trend in the Antarctic is only about a third of the magnitude of the rapid loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean.
It’s funny to see you idiots make fun of things that you don’t understand.
has them confounded eh?….what’s to know?…it gets very cold, and water freezes…we all learned that in the second grade…..but the truth is, some politicos are worried that if the ice doesn’t melt, and there isn’t “gloom and doom” from “global warming”…they will be exposed as the frauds they really are….the whole man made climate change thing is a scam…….no different than the guys that try to hook you on 3 card Monty in front of a bus station……all jst a scam….