Scientists are scratching their heads regarding this conundrum. Antarctic sea ice is at record high levels and the scientists cannot explain the incongruity of expanding ice in a ‘warming world.’
What makes it more mystifying is that the water under the ice is warming, but the ice has grown to 19.51 million square kilometers.
A recent Climate Journal study attempts to explain on page two.
Because global warming ain’t real. Earth goes thru cycles
John Woodruff
But the leftist lunatics still want you to believe that the globe is in a warming spell right now from man causing this is plain and simple insanity .
Every scientist and all normal thinking people in the world agree on global warming except you republican idiots
WTF is wrong with you John Wolff I bet you think you will make out with the republicans tax cut , TrumpCare and the deregulation of the internet
But global warming oh wait can’t say that it’s flat earth warming I do my part and it’s why it’s at those levels I turn the thermostats s low as it can go and open my doors and windows problem solved
Coming soon to a snowflake near you “Global Cooling to Cause Next Ice Age”!
What….. How does Al Gore and his followers explain that?.. this is a big bust as everything goes in cycles. This is why our country is in trouble, so many people blindly follow what politicians say.. and they take it for truth… feel so sorry for these followers.
And not to mention the fact that the oceans are cooling. So mush for the global warming fraud.
Well their you have it! Proof that scientists don’t really know everything they claim to know. Most of it is conjecture namely guess work! Not bad for getting paid the big bucks for BS!!!!!!
I bet this butthurts a lot of people.. poundsign global warming