Scientists are scratching their heads regarding this conundrum. Antarctic sea ice is at record high levels and the scientists cannot explain the incongruity of expanding ice in a ‘warming world.’
What makes it more mystifying is that the water under the ice is warming, but the ice has grown to 19.51 million square kilometers.
A recent Climate Journal study attempts to explain on page two.
ok global warming fans please explain this
Its obvious. Al Gore shut up and the world cooled.
Very simple explanation to this :
The .8° temperature rise in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in the last decade has sucked the warm air out of the Antartic, causing colder temperatures and more ice formation.
Isn’t that funny . They are confounded???? GOD Just Put you in Your Place !!!!!! GOD is in CHARGE !!!!
So much for “global warming”. LOL
How can people be so ignorant ?
The global warming lie is just another way to take our freedoms and to weaken the American economy all post off the democrats plan one volcano can put more carbon in the atmosphere than humans have altogether since the industrial revolution God controls the weather not man if you know the bible you will know that the earth will not be destroyed this way
Land ice melts and cools the water so the water freezes. Scientists know exactly what is going on and its very bad. The land ice shrinking is the problem. Watch the vice documentary if you need more proof. Every time you post a climate change article it’s so insanely misinformed its almost unbelievable. Stop spreading lies you piece of human garbage
Gotta say it louder. They cant hear.
Scientists and Al Gore.