Scientists are scratching their heads regarding this conundrum. Antarctic sea ice is at record high levels and the scientists cannot explain the incongruity of expanding ice in a ‘warming world.’
What makes it more mystifying is that the water under the ice is warming, but the ice has grown to 19.51 million square kilometers.
A recent Climate Journal study attempts to explain on page two.
no warming here.
What was all that about “global warming?”
Shows climate change is a hoax
Haven’t you heard it is no longer called global warming it is now Climate Change, so no matter if it gets hotter or colder they have it covered. One volcanic eruption can put more CO2 into the atmosphere than all the human activity since man has been on this planet.
There is NO climate change. It is a $22 billion dollar population control scam by Al Gore and governments!
The earth goes through its cycles for millions of years.
Scientists are surprised because they proved themselves to be self involved morons.
Did you ever ask yourself …why so many ran…maybe “God” knew Donald Trump would need a CABINET – of like minded thinkers (not all)…there is no division here its a re-joining of America and it’s Spirit. … Donald Trump for President / G.O.P. Republican Nomination for President of the United States of America…2016 … enough w/ whos in with who…we have one planet …thats it fellas …ONE PLANET ! Make America Strong – It cannot be politics as usual… First america and americans all legal…Then like the beatles sang ” we can work it out “… james lawrence
Because you’ve been –and are being LIED to.
Sounds like the expanding ice is…an accident? Something not conforming to computer simulations? Let’s just hope that they don’t try to correct it…put a big electric blanket on Antartica just so it matches the computer models.
Maybe its because global warming is a hoax