Scientists are scratching their heads regarding this conundrum. Antarctic sea ice is at record high levels and the scientists cannot explain the incongruity of expanding ice in a ‘warming world.’
What makes it more mystifying is that the water under the ice is warming, but the ice has grown to 19.51 million square kilometers.
A recent Climate Journal study attempts to explain on page two.
Its a HOAX and only idiots believe in global warming
Global Warming = Fraud!
The Lord Loves To confound The so called wise !!! LOL
Ask Al Gore
Says the guy with a confederate flag as his profile pic…
Been saying this for months and now people pay attention
Must be the global warming. Yes, there is climate change, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Period.
God proves who is in control every day!
Ask Al Gore he’ll know.
I LAUGHED SO HARD I THINK I POOPED ALITTLE!!! Global warming,expanding ice??
So.. I should turn down the make the Beer colder??!! (ANTHONY PIROZZI)