In a Truth and Action exclusive interview with a high ranking official at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, we discussed the new “Strong Cities Network” and the implications this UN driven global initiative could mean for our very cities right where we live. This high ranking official requested anonymity, for apparent reasons.
What he had to say maybe shocking, maybe not, if you are aware of the Agenda 21 plan. This initiative is an off-shoot of Agenda 21, and like all things coming out of the UN the agenda is the breaking down of national borders to have the UN to replace our federal governments. Yes, this is what Bush ’41 was referring to-called the New World Order. This is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact. And its been in the works since the early 1990s.
Go to next page for interview
Never happen. .
Our military fight foreign Invaders
Not in this country
Not in our country!!
They would not have the balls to invade the USA. They would be out numbered and out gunned.
And obummer in the White House was their Trojan horse…they were convinced that hillary would further place America under world order… remember when slick tried to get American forces to wear blue UN helmets… and the military grunts said… no way… I’m an American soldier…. way back then…
Does this make the obama administration any clearer of the take down of the United States? Obama shut down water boarding interrogation in Guantanamo Bay. He turned over 100 terrorist loose that were there in prison for terrorism. Fast and furious gun running in Mexico to kill Texas boarder patrols. The Benghazi attach. They killed our US diplomats with American weapons. Obama gave military equipment and weapons to isis in Afghanistan. How about the 150 billion dollars to Iran, a known terrorist country and anti-American country, and known enemy of the US for decades. I can’t help but to believe the massacre that happened in Vegas was a inside government contract on American citizens. Does this have to be written in stone to be real? Call it what it is. Terrorist attach by our own government!
Very sad if this is used to bring on the globalist police state.
Anyone from the UN trying to tell me to do something just sealed their fate. They have absolutely no jurisdiction here and never will. I will send them home in a body bag
Take the US out of the UN and take the UN out of the US! Defund the UN and kick them out of our Country!