In a Truth and Action exclusive interview with a high ranking official at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, we discussed the new “Strong Cities Network” and the implications this UN driven global initiative could mean for our very cities right where we live. This high ranking official requested anonymity, for apparent reasons.
What he had to say maybe shocking, maybe not, if you are aware of the Agenda 21 plan. This initiative is an off-shoot of Agenda 21, and like all things coming out of the UN the agenda is the breaking down of national borders to have the UN to replace our federal governments. Yes, this is what Bush ’41 was referring to-called the New World Order. This is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact. And its been in the works since the early 1990s.
Go to next page for interview
No foreign troops on American soil! Behind every blade of grass
not in this country
Camericans do not want globalism
President Trump should stop all funding to the UN and pull us out of the UN and kick the UN out of our country.
The Marianas Trench would ba a fabulous place for them.
Ready lets do this.
Any form of law enforcement affiliated with the UN should be escorted out of the country asap.
Better bring blue body bags. Be sure they are marked with name and country of origin. We don’t even want their dead to mess up our natipn.
Just one little problem t=with the UN’s plan. Like about 100 million Americans with guns!!