In a Truth and Action exclusive interview with a high ranking official at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, we discussed the new “Strong Cities Network” and the implications this UN driven global initiative could mean for our very cities right where we live. This high ranking official requested anonymity, for apparent reasons.
What he had to say maybe shocking, maybe not, if you are aware of the Agenda 21 plan. This initiative is an off-shoot of Agenda 21, and like all things coming out of the UN the agenda is the breaking down of national borders to have the UN to replace our federal governments. Yes, this is what Bush ’41 was referring to-called the New World Order. This is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact. And its been in the works since the early 1990s.
Go to next page for interview
The U N needs a new home. Europe sounds about right.
Trump is a patriot and he will be on top of this like white on rice !!
our military besides being spread out around the world aren’t armed, national guard either, theres a war on cops, these people have been planning this a long time, Hillary not winning put a big pothole in their way, so now its turn us against each other, even our own police
Why are we even a member of the united nations
That’s California.
Good luck stopping it lock and load now or you will just be another body on the heap of history
No global Police force
lol come on people..the UN or some village sheriff from Africa..will you really follow any of their orders ? hahaha
Stop the Global Agenda…remove all affiliated politicians….Hang these traitors….Shoot on sight