Hey libs, the rant on the following page has some excellent questions for you to ask and answer, to help determine how sincere you truly are in your liberalism.
She wants to help you determine if you really understand you position regarding the “refugee crisis” and help you defend your strongly held conviction.
For you conservatives, here are some questions to help you shut down liberal lunacy before the pain of shrinking your brain becomes too unbearable.
She asks very pointed questions, to help you determine what you would do, if you had to seek asylum in another country, like Saudi Arabia, and how you would assimilate there.
The video on the next page is about four minutes long.
Watch it, learn from it, and take inventory of the strength of your position regarding the Syrian refugee crisis.
Your understanding could save a life, perhaps even your own.
Do it to a degree you must assimilate some just to get along
If you choose to flee to another country is there really any other choice but to adapt?
let us put it this way …. if you don’t assemilate in saudi arabia …… they will either arrest you , give you a whioing , or they will sone or hang you ….. so yes you assemilate there or else …. so stfu
Wouldn’t go to those countries.
I lived out of the country several times and also in several states as well. It is hard to assimilate in other countries and some states…no matter how hare one tries…there will always be people that don’t want outsiders there. I know as a female there is no way on this earth that I could survive in Saudi…..
Put all refugees in this camp
The United Nation High Commission for Refugees, (a federal program which began over 35 years ago) , arranges for the so called refugees to here and the other places they go……under the influence of the Organization of Islamic Co-operation, (the second largest inter governmental organization , started by and controlled by Arabs)…..the Organization of Islamic Co-operation picks and chooses who will come and where they will go……then the State Department places the so called refugees with nine major contractors , (this is not for free, the State Dept. usually the cost for this is nine billion dollars…all tax-payers monies and some monies comes from the US Treasury)……the nine major contractors have at least 350 subcontractors that these so called refugees are sent to for placement….the subcontractors keep them for a few months and then place then in our cities …..meanwhile the subcontractors have filed all the paperwork so the so called refugees can get free housing and money, medical and food , ( again all tax payers monies) , and the subcontractors also file the necessary paperwork to bring the so called refugees families or relatives over , and the whole thing starts over again…all on your dime……the Organization of Islamic Co-operation isn’t going to send one refugee to Saudi Arabia…..why would they….there country is already of the Islamic belief and their motive here is to colonize countries and spread their beliefs and faith and organization to countries where it doesn’t exist…..it’s a colonization process called the Hijra and your paying for it……and if it’s not stopped and soon then you will be over run by the so called refugees and then you won’t have to worry about it because at that point you’ll have no say in the matters at hand…..because they will have colonized the country and taken over ………sound far fetched?…..take a look at some of the other countries who have allowed large numbers of so called refugees in……I believe we are all compassionate and would help anyone in need ……but I also believe in self preservation……..if I may suggest …….google Refugee Resettlement Watch and get some real facts about whats going on
First off……..Russ will never be living in that country…….I have my own country…….Texas and I assimilated at Birth.
If the answer is ‘no’ then you would probably being anxiously waiting to return home, unless you are invading.
Great questions to help you shut down liberal lunacy before the pain of shrinking your brain becomes too unbearable…
Excellent Thoughts on Refugee Crisis: “Would You Assimilate if in Saudi Arabia?”
Hey libs, the rant on the following page has some excellent questions for you to ask and answer, to help determine how sincere you truly are in your…
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