Hey libs, the rant on the following page has some excellent questions for you to ask and answer, to help determine how sincere you truly are in your liberalism.
She wants to help you determine if you really understand you position regarding the “refugee crisis” and help you defend your strongly held conviction.
For you conservatives, here are some questions to help you shut down liberal lunacy before the pain of shrinking your brain becomes too unbearable.
She asks very pointed questions, to help you determine what you would do, if you had to seek asylum in another country, like Saudi Arabia, and how you would assimilate there.
The video on the next page is about four minutes long.
Watch it, learn from it, and take inventory of the strength of your position regarding the Syrian refugee crisis.
Your understanding could save a life, perhaps even your own.
Wouldn’t move there!
The Syrian refugees expressed to Dr Ben Carson that they did NOT want to come to America….they are being FORCIBLY RELOCATED for Obama’s Muslim agenda! The Japanese were treated like that by the government in WWII!
Great point
Of course not, not even Moderate Muslims want to live in Saudi Arabia. It’s like asking a Christian to live in$#%&!@*Germany. Stupid article.
I worked in Saudi Arabia for three years and the stories I could tell…….
No, I would try to keep my culture and my heritage. That is why I don’t think they should come here for the same reason
Would really like to read your articles, but they are TOO small.
NOT a stupid article–its showing the naive and plain ignorant just how ridiculous it sounds for us to be flooded w ‘refugees’ which are terrorists in the midst of some good ppl
Here is a suggestion buy up their women and ship them back UPS.
First, I wouldn’t DEMAND that country change their laws, culture and laws to accommodate me. Second, I wouldn’t threaten them with death and destruction at every turn.